We'll catch-up real quick: Thursday night we cooked dinner at Lindsey's house. She made a "light" version of Dijon Chicken (sooo good) with veggies and cream cheese brownies for dessert. Friday night, my lovely fiance took me out to see a movie. We saw Date Night and it was funny. I love Tina Fey! I napped most of Saturday and then got to baby-sit two super cute girls that night. Sunday was church, then lunch at Red Lobster with Spence's grandparents - absolutely delicious! I haven't been in for-ev-er and I had forgotten how yummy it is!
And now it's Monday. Already. Geesh.
No big plans for this week, just try to keep it together til Thursday when we leave to go to New Braunfels for my grandparents 50th anniversary!!! Sooo ExCiTeD!! I love NB and miss it so much, I can't wait to go back and hang out with my family. Plus, it's been so warm there lately that we'll probably be able to float the river while we're there - which is one of my most absolute favorite things to do in.the.whole.wide.world! I've lived there the past two summers and was on the river at least 85% of the time. I will not be as fortunate this summer seeing as how I live 5 hours away from it (or any mass of water for that matter, haha).
Spence and I also have appointments to see some possible wedding venues! It's crazy how real it's all getting. Not that I thought it was pretend or anything, it's just so real now. You know? I couldn't be happier :)
Happy Monday Lovelies :):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

Sounds like you had a great weekend! Hope you have a great week as well : )