minutes in Taylor Swift's shoes!

Haha, well there was my schpeel for the day. I think this will have a profound impact on my life, and what more do I like than living dangerously? Well I better run, lunch is ready then I have to put myself together and go to a Bridal Show to support my friend Ashley who is doing hair and make-up for the event. Should be fun! Hope every one has an absolutely wonderful and blessed Sunday! :)
This blog will serve as my accountability. So, I am now accountable to Jennie, my best friend in the entire world, and to you...whoever you are ...if there is actually anyone remotely interested in reading this, hah. Well here's to a new year, full of possibilities and dreams waiting to come true!
P.S. Another challenge I gave myself this year was to find beauty in the every day, so I'm going to try to post a picture with every entry. Hopefully they'll brighten your day as much as they do mine. God created this wonderful world to enjoy, so why not open our eyes and delight in what the Lord has given us?I took this picture while I was on a little back road headed to the interstate to get to New Braunfels. I knew it was going to be a hard day. I was going to get the rest of my furniture from the house I had shared with my then boyfriend and was not looking forward to having to face him again. It was a sudden break-up and I was worrying myself sick over it. Then I looked out the window and this is what I saw. At that moment I knew God was telling me everything was going to be alright, and it has been.
A little piece of West Texas beauty for you :)