A- My AIR CONDITIONER is set on: 68 at night, 73 during the day while we're at work.
B- My BEDROOM theme is: ....we have no theme right now, haha. The bedroom is a work in progress. I found my dream sheets though; they're cream, blue, and brown - so we'll probably use those colors and create a theme around them...eventually :)
C- The CAR in the driveway is: no driveway, we live in an apartment. But we have a Jeep Compass and a Toyota Tundra.
D- My DESK looks: ...what desk? Haha, our dining table doubles as my desk right now.
E- The EXACT time I wake up daily is: it's varied, but now with school stuff starting soon, it'll probably be 6 a.m. - yikes!
F- The FIRST thing I wash in the shower is: my face. It just feels so dirty at the end of the day and it feels amazing to get it clean. I love my St. Ive's Apricot Scrub, makes me feel like a million bucks everyday :)
G- My GARAGE is filled with: boxes and furniture that won't fit in our lil' apartment.
H- My HOUSE is: non-existent. It's apartment living for us for a little while longer. We're hoping to move into a rent house in the fall though.
I- If you peeked INSIDE my bedroom you'd see: not too much, like I said, work in progress.
J- My favorite JUICE is: sugar-free white grape peach juice, soooo goooood!! It makes me feel like a little kid again :)
K- The best part of my KITCHEN is: the appliances, they're all new
L- The LAST person who visited my home was: my daddy.
M- The last piece of MAIL for me was: a card and pictures from my BFF Jennie and a daily devotional Bible from my aunt
N- My NEIGHBORS think I'm: .....not sure. I haven't really talked to any of them, but hopefully they think I'm nice
O- If you OPENED my fridge you'd see: dirty and sparse shelves... I need to clean it and we need to go to the grocery store.
P- My last house PARTY was: never. We haven't had one...don't really have the space for one either :( I love throwing parties, but maybe when we get a house we can do a few
Q- A QUICK meal I like to fix is: any type of grilled chicken with veggies or marinated pork chops.
R- My favorite ROOM of the house is: the living room - comfy couches that are very conducive for lots of cuddling and movie watching.
S- The SHAMPOO brand I use: is Aveeno right now, I just switched from Purology (great stuff, but expensive!)
T- My largest TELEVISION is: in the living room.
U- UNDER my bed you will find: more of Spencer's guitars and occasionally little TazTaz, it's where he likes to sleep
V- The last time I VACUUMED was: not sure, Spencer did it when I went to Lubbock a while back
W- Looking out my WINDOW I see: parking for our building and the one across from us.
X- I wish I had X-TRA: money and time.... Don't we all? Haha
Y- My YARD is: also non-existent.
Z- ZZZZZZZ My bedtime is: after 10:30 and usually close to 11:30, but with school coming up it's going to have to change - probably to between 9:30-10.
And I know so many of y'all are anxious for some engagement pictures but she hasn't posted any yet :( Sad day, but don't you worry, as soon as some (or even one!) is, I'll be sure to post it.
Have a good night lovelies :)

i used to use apricot scrub back in like jr. high! I should definitely get some again-that stuff is the best : )
ReplyDeleteI like our house to be cool too!
ReplyDeleteI actually prefer my dining room table to my desk. It's nice to spread everything out!
ReplyDeleteAnd I just switched to apricot scrub!
Cute post! Can't wait to see the pictures :) I know it sucks when you have to wait for them...hopefully she comes through for you soon!