I hope everyone has had a great weekend :) Mine was pretty much perfect, filled with lots of relaxing, hanging with my loverface, watching movies, and getting to see my daddy. Nothing too exciting but after two months of go-go-go, a low-key weekend was just what the doctor ordered.
Some exciting news: we're moving next weekend!! Not to another town, but to another house. If you've read my rants for a while now, you know the drama we've been dealing with in our current living situation. If you haven't, here's a basic summary:
Moved in in March of this year (with a year long lease), was assured the house would not be sold despite rumors of houses being bought up in the area to build a parking lot, house was sold in May, land lady did not even tell us, heard it through someone else, people who bought our house said they'd honor our lease, then in July they tell us they would like us out before school starts (August 22nd), they begin tearing down houses on both sides of us, become more insistant that we move soon, have a very hard time finding another rental that doesn't cost an arm and a leg because the housing market here is ridiculous because of the oil boom, every house we find gets leased before we can even look at them. Ughhhh....

But yesterday we finally got lucky. We were shown a house that wasn't on the market yet and said yes to it. I am so relieved. We can finally get out of these parking lot peoples way and just live...without the noise, without the calls, and without all the boxes piled up around the house. YAY :)
The next few weekends will be a little cray-cray for me...
Next weekend: move
After that: Fifi's bachelor party in New Orleans, which gives me a solitary weekend to prepare for school which will start Monday
After that: Do any and all last minute wedding things
After that: Get hitched!

This week is also the last week of my summer. Bummer... And I have to spend two days of it in training and one day at teacher convocation. But honestly...I'm kinda ready for the summer to be over. For one, it is too dang HOT! But I'm ready to move on, start a new school year, get married (27 days!), and simply live. This week will be bittersweet, and I'm ready.
Now, to run and get ready for church! I be needin' to do some praisin' for mah blessin's! And I'm a hungry hungry hippo and want me some banana pancakes :)
Hope y'all have a lovely Sunday!